uma aplicação prática à economia ecológica.


  • Júnio Matheus da Silva Cruz Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (UNIMONTES), Montes Claros, MG, Brasil.




Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Ruy Mauro Marini, Teoria da Dependência, Economia Ecológica, Sociologia Econômica


The present work goes through three fronts of analysis, one of which is to bring to light the concept of Dependency Theory from the work of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, with a Weberian orientation, the same concept for Rui Mauro Marini, of the Marxist school, and to carry out an analysis of a new field in Economic Sciences that is Ecological Economics, dedicated to the study of natural resources and human intervention in them. The discussion went on to present the concepts of each of the authors, and also an overview of Ecological Economics, to then dialogue with the three showing how environmental impacts and situations of exploitation of natural resources in countries considered peripheral can be explained by the Theory of Dependency, not only from a bias, but having a broad view of the concepts of this and its various aspects, where each one manages to contribute to an important research result. The most important conclusion reached is how the process of exploitation of labor and natural resources in the third world leaves a trail of poverty, underdevelopment and environmental collapse for local populations from problems in the balance of payments and unfavorable prices for these countries, and how the institutions are colluding with this process based on the alignment of the international bourgeoisie with the third-world elite.


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Author Biography

Júnio Matheus da Silva Cruz, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (UNIMONTES), Montes Claros, MG, Brasil.

Bacharel em Administração pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais - Campus Ribeirão das Neves. Bacharel em Ciências Econômicas pelo Centro Universitário UNICESUMAR - Polo Ribeirão das Neves. Tecnólogo em Gestão Pública pela Universidade Pitágoras Unopar - Polo Ribeirão das Neves. Mestrando em Desenvolvimento Social pelo PPGDS/UNIMONTES.


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