
  • Anna Clara Gomes Martins Souza




Democracy, Latin America, Support, Violence, Crime


Latin America is a region that experienced several authoritarian experiences during the 1960s that generated diverse social, historical and cultural consequences. In addition to this, violence and crime increased significantly in several countries after redemocratization, in addition to democratic institutions receiving low levels of support and trust. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the relationship between victimization by crime, that is, having been a victim of crimes such as robbery, physical aggression, robbery, kidnapping, fraud, blackmail, extortion, violent threats or any other type with support for democracy in the Latin American scenario. The research methodology used will be quantitative in which statistical data present in the LAPOP Latin America Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) in the 2018/2019 round was analyzed. From the results obtained, it was possible to understand whether being a victim of crime in Latin America, in the years studied, has a direct impact on how much people adhere to the political regime, in addition to whether this institutional arrangement, when trying to solve problems of violence and crime due to its limitations, negatively impacts support for democracy.


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Author Biography

Anna Clara Gomes Martins Souza

Graduanda em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (UNIMONTES). E-mail: 


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