Testemunho, Poesia, Primo Levi, ShoahAbstract
In this article, we intend to approach the testimonial bias of Primo Levi's poetic production. In order to do this, we discuss, initially, the whole
problematic that involves the relationship between poetry and barbarism, from the reflections made by Adorno (2009), to whom Celan (1996) and Levi himself (1988) are opposed. Then, we work the theme of this research specifically in the biography and bibliography of the Italian author under study, analyzing two of his poems: "Levantar" and "Shemá" (LEVI, 2019). At the end of this itinerary, we pinpoint, as central axes of Primo Levi's poetics, the cathartic and denunciatory value of poetry as a means of raising an ethical stance of its readers in the face of the Shoah.
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