Escritas de si. Michel Foucault. Diana Klinger. Literatura e ética.Abstract
This paper seeks to compare on one hand the concept of Self Writing – employed by Diana Klinger to study some contemporary latin-american narratives – to the theory of the philosopher from whence she extracts her syntagm – but, in my understanding, not the theoretical paradigm – that is: Michel Foucault. My hypothesis is that, under the title of a foucaultian text (“The self writing”), Klinger offers in fact her own concept of self writing, mainly based on Judith Butler’s appropriation of a short text on pastiche by Frederic Jameson. In doing so, my intent is not to safeguard the work of Foucault from alleged misappropriations, but to observe a theoretical homonymy current these days in Brazil and thereby indicate possible revisions of the relations between Self and writing.
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