The migrant face:

Portinari, Levinas and Dussel





Portinari. Face. Migrants. Levinas. Dussel. Alterity.


The article examines, in particular, the picture Retirantes, of 1944, of the celebrated homonymous serie carried out by Portinari. This examination focuses especially on the concept of “face” as a scenic category, in order to illustrate, in the painter’s work, the phenomenon of Northeastern migration. To this end, the following text still suggests the following hermeneutic approach: to situate the portinarian screen in the light of some levinasian and dusselian intuitions in which the category of face assumes a prominent statute in the context of a ethics of alterity.


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Author Biographies

Claudinei Aparecido de Freitas da Silva, UNIOESTE

In the area of Philosophy, held post-doctoral training at the Université Paris I/Panthéon-Sorbonne (2011-2012), PhD at UFSCar (2007), master's degree at Unicamp (2000), graduate in UNIOESTE (1994) and in IFA (1990). Was Academic Fellowship (1992-1994) and Tutor (2013-2016) PET Tutorial Education Program) Philosophy Course UNIOESTE, institution that acts as Teacher in the Graduate and Postgraduate (Stricto Sensu) in the same area. Was the Coordinator of the PPGFIL – Postgraduate Program (Stricto Sensu) in Philosophy of UNIOESTE (2019-2021). Member of the Araucária Foundation Area Advisors Committee (2020-2024). In addition to organizing thematic dossiers (in journals) and 7 books, he is the author of two books, several book chapters, articles, reviews, translations, among other works. Among the works translated, it stands out the Fragmentos Filosóficos (1909-1914) (Edunioeste, 2018) and Os Homens contra o Humano (Edunioeste, 2023) by Gabriel Marcel. It's Journal Founding Editor DIAPHONÍA/UNIOESTE, Editor of the Journal PHENOMENOLOGY, HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES and member of the from national and international publishers and periodicals. He is a member of the Association International "Présence de Gabriel Marcel" de Paris, CEMODECON / IFCH / UNICAMP, founding member of the GT Phenomenology, Health and Psychological Processes (ANPEPP) and GT Phenomenology (ANPOF) of which he is currently Coordinator. He also is Leader, the QUIASMA Research Group with CNPq registration, in UNIOESTE. In addition, he has participated both in media programs on digital platforms involving lectures, round tables and interviews, as well as mainted links with several research groups from the following trends and authors: Tradition phenomenological (especially Husserl, Gabriel Marcel, Sartre/Beauvoir, Merleau-Ponty, Levinas, Renaud Barbaras) and their interfaces with psychoanalysis, the clinical work of Kurt Goldstein, F. J. J. Buytendijk, Eugène Minkowski, works of Bergson and Buber, and the alive interest by the culture and Latin American thought . Thematic focuses: body, desire, language, ideology, ethos, nature and work of art.

Camila Pacheco Gomes, UNIOESTE

Bacharel em Psicologia pela UNIPAR- Umuarama PR, em 2011 . Especialista na área da Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho pela FASUL concluído em 2016. Mestre pelo Programa de Pós Graduação de Filosofia do Centro de Ciências Humanas e Sociais da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE em 2020, com o tema de dissertação: A alteridade em 'carne e osso': uma perspectiva levinasiana de 'Vidas Secas'.


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