



Juízo de Deus, Culpa, Costumes


This article deals with the notion of 'God's judgment' from the perspective of Deleuze and Guattari philosophy’s, articulated with the nietzschean notion of infinite debt. It analyzes it from the perspective of two characters, Grace Marks and Tantalus, both with their lives sealed by the mark of judgment that impels them to a destiny forged in the midst of guilt and punishment. In Grace Marks, the restitution of the balance of a justice that insists on finding culprits to justify and maintain the status quo is visualized, while in Tantalus it is possible to find the tragedy caused by human hamartia before the gods. Through these characters, it shows that judgment is present both in mythology and in literature, but also shows that it moves through the most diverse forms of human organizations. In the meantime, which involves these characters, the article circumscribes the strength of God's judgment in its overwhelming power to affect and govern bodies.


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