Interpelação, Produção de Sentidos, Pechêux;, Milan KunderaAbstract
This article aims to problematize the literary enunciation in one of the constituent stories of the work Risíveis Amores, by Milan Kundera (1985). It also has as one of its theoretical contributions the notion of interpellation in the sense given by Pêcheux (2008). This is a theoretical analysis based on a literary corpus: the short story O Jogo da Carona. In this sense, we are confined to Discourse Analysis, with a French base, and we aim to carry out, in this text, a work in interface, where one of the flanks of analysis – theoretical basis linked to the thematic notations of AD, of French origin, and, on the other hand, of this interface – literary base corpus, namely, the short story entitled O Jogo da Carona.
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