About the Journal


Revista Argumentos is an electronic journal based at the Department of Politics and Social Sciences of the State University of Montes Claros - UNIMONTES. Its general aim is to establish itself as a space of critical debate and exchange in the Social Sciences. Its main subjects are Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science.

We have as target audience researchers from Social Sciences and Humanities (academic staff, students, members of social organizations and of the community in general). Argumentos is published every semester and its articles are in PDF and HTML. Portuguese is its main language, but it also accepts and publishes articles in Spanish and in English. We invite the submission of unpublished and original public scientific articles, subject to a peer review process. We publish two special issues a year, but we also have an open and permanent flow of articles being submitted throughout the year.

It is important to highlight that Argumentos started, in print, in 2004, on an annual basis. In 2015, Argumentos adopted the biannual format of publication. In 2017 the journal started its electronic version, ISSN version, being included in the web repository of scientific journals of the State University of Montes Claros, which has the OJS platform, and strictly maintains its semiannual periodicity. In the same period, Argumentos adopted a policy of insertion in national and international databases and indexers.

Currently, Argumentos can be found in the bibliographic database AmeliCA, in the following indexers: DOAJ, Latindex, Redib, Sumarios.org, Diadorim, Periódicos de Minas; in the Google Scholar metrics indexer; and in the CAPES Journal search engine Periódico CAPES, Portal de Periódicos – ANPOCS, LatinREV – CLACSO, MIAR and  EZB. Each article published by Argumentos also has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) identification system.


"We are going to change what we value in research"

Argumentos is part of a broad group of international journals that have adhered to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). Being created by a group of editors of academic journals, during a scientific event in the city of San Francisco / USA, in 2012, DORA demands new ways of evaluating scientific production by funding agencies and academic institutions. More information about DORA can be obtained by clicking on the link below:
