The modernization process of soccer in Latin America: a look at many perspectives
Football, Support, ModernizationAbstract
This article intends to elaborate a brief analysis about the impact of modern interventions in the soccer spectacle, especially the mercantile factor as a determinant in this process. It also presents the general structure of the Dossier "Soi loco por ti, futebol", which brings several perspectives about the modernization movement of soccer in Latin America, as well as its articles, authors and sections. For this purpose, in a first moment, the reflections about the changes provoked in this new scenario are approached, starting from supporters and stadiums, in the case of Brazil. This debate is established from the point of view of two specific experiences: the fantasy game called Cartola F.C.; and the aesthetic standardization of the new soccer stadiums, thought spatially and identitatively as "arenas". Finally, the articles that make up this Dossier are contextualized for the reader, describing the central scope of each text, as well as the other sections that make up this document, which are an interview and a review.
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