The modernization of uruguayan soccer, stress brought about due to clubs deterioration and to professionalism on the second half of the twentieth century



Historiography, Football, Modernization, Clubs, Deterioration


The phenomenon of modernization of and in footballis a relatively new process that has generated debates based on the transformations caused in different areas. These debates are about the new Europeanized football model, to the new concept of entertainment and an aggressive commodification; that have functional logics typical of globalization. Uruguay an football experienced a boom period in the first half of the 20th century and the world got to know Uruguay through football. How did this modernizing process work in Uruguay an football? What was the impact on our country from the sixties? What tensions underlie the process? To explain and interpret the matter, analytical tolos such as the notion of "public arena" are incorporated, which helps to make a reading of Uruguay an society from the symbolic world of football.


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Author Biography

Gastón Laborido, Profesor de Historia de enseñanza media – Uruguay (DGES)

Teacher of History of Secondary Education - Uruguay (DGES). Professor of History of Sport, Physical Education and Recreation (IUACJ). Member of the Uruguayan Football Study Group (GREFU-UDELAR). Master in Human Sciences, Rioplatense History option, at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences (FHCE-UDELAR), Uruguay.


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How to Cite

Laborido, G. . (2021). The modernization of uruguayan soccer, stress brought about due to clubs deterioration and to professionalism on the second half of the twentieth century. Argumentos - Revista Do Departamento De Ciências Sociais Da Unimontes, 18(2), 130–149. Retrieved from


