Aporophobic city and the challenges of Urban Pedagogy





Aporophobia, Hostile Architecture, Urban Pedagogy.


In his daily and public work, the expression of hostility to hospitality has been recurrently evoked by Priest Júlio Lancellotti in his speeches in order to foster a sensitivity that is capable of perceiving how aggressive cities can be to people from their very details. The religious man mobilizes daily actions to assist homeless people in the city of São Paulo, as well as promoting the debate on guaranteeing and fulfilling the social function of spaces, and inspired the creation of a federal law to curb installations considered "anti-poor", which promote the spoliation of the use of cities by these subjects considered undesirable. In this sense, the text will seek to reflect on how the actions inscribed as an Urban Pedagogy can eventually produce, on the one hand, the shaping of public policies to promote the right to the city and, on the other, validate other ways of living the city based on the conditions of homeless people in the city of São Paulo. The aim is to broaden problematizations about the intentions and consequences of hostile architecture and aporophobia in the city of São Paulo, the locus of this study, which is still under construction, highlighting a set of concrete situations that are symptomatic of the attempt to control urban spaces and vulnerable people, such as those living on the streets.


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Author Biography

Nayara Alvim , Universidade de São Paulo

PhD student in Education at the University of São Paulo (FEUSP). CAPES scholarship holder.


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How to Cite

Alvim , N. (2024). Aporophobic city and the challenges of Urban Pedagogy. Argumentos - Revista Do Departamento De Ciências Sociais Da Unimontes, 21(2), 203–217. https://doi.org/10.46551/issn.2527-2551v21n2p.203-217


