About the Journal

Caminhos da História is a publication of the Graduate Program in History (PPGH) of the State University of Montes Claros (Unimontes). Its emphasis is on the dissemination of knowledge in history, especially of original research. However, it is open to contributions from other areas of knowledge, whenever the articles submitted have explicit links with History.

It is a biannual journal, receiving the submission of articles in continuous flow.

The contributions of researchers and professors from other institutions are welcome; effectively, this aim has been achieved with the publication of articles from different regions of the country, including from abroad.

Currently, Caminhos da História can be found in the bibliographic database AmeliCA; it can also be found in the following indexers: Clase, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Latindex, REDIB (Red Iberomaericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico), Sumários.org and Diadorim; Google Scholar metrics indexers; and in the CAPES Journal search engine Periódicos CAPES, and LatinREV - CLACSO, EZB and Biblat. Each article published by Caminhos da História also has the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​identification system.