Intercâmbio Científico: as relações Brasil - Alemanha através das lentes do colposcópio em meados do século XX

Scientific Exchange: Brazil - Germany relations through the colposcope lens in the middle of the 20th century



Scientific exchange, Colposcopy, History of Science, Cervical Cancer, Gynecology


The purpose of this text is to discuss the approximation of the Brazilian and German sciences, through the introduction and diffusion of colposcopy in Brazil. The colposcope, developed by the German physician Hans Hinselmann in the 1920s, facilitated the diagnosis of gynecological pathologies, becoming a reference for the detection of cervical cancer in the first half of the 20th century. In Brazil, there was a particularity in the organization of actions for the diagnosis of cervical cancer, which reflected in the development of its own model of care. This particularity can be explained by an approximation between the German and Brazilian sciences in the 1930s and by the national health guidelines themselves in the period. From these points, the process of creating and disseminating the technique, the use of the colposcope in the country and the dialogues between Brazilian doctors and Hans Hinselmann will be analyzed, in the affirmation of the tool for the control of the disease in the Brazilian territory in the middle of the 20th century.


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Author Biography

Vanessa Lana, Federal University of Viçosa

PhD (2012) and Master (2006) in History of Science by Casa de Oswaldo Cruz / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - RJ. Adjunct Professor in the Department of History at the Federal University of Viçosa and Professor of the Master in Cultural Heritage, Landscapes and Citizenship. E-mail: ORCID:


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How to Cite

Lana, V. (2020). Intercâmbio Científico: as relações Brasil - Alemanha através das lentes do colposcópio em meados do século XX : Scientific Exchange: Brazil - Germany relations through the colposcope lens in the middle of the 20th century. Caminhos Da História, 22(2), 4–14. Retrieved from


