

  • Ester Liberato Pereira Editor-in-chief
  • Rafael Dias de Castro Deputy Editor


New objects, New approaches, History


Presentation of the edition and dossier.


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Author Biographies

Ester Liberato Pereira, Editor-in-chief

Effective Professor at the Department of Physical Education and Sport (DEFD) at the State University of Montes Claros (Unimontes) and Collaborating Professor at the Postgraduate Program in History (PPGH) at Unimontes. PhD in Human Movement Sciences by the Graduate Program in Human Movement Sciences (PPGCMH) at the School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Dance (ESEFID) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in the line of research Social Representations of the Human Movement. Master in Human Movement Sciences from PPGCMH / UFRGS. Specialization in Hippotherapy from Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP). Full degree in Physical Education by ESEFID / UFRGS. Exchanges at the Faculty of Sport (FADEUP) of the University of Porto (UP) (Portugal) and at the Faculty of Physical Education (FACDEF) of the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT) (Argentina). Creator and coordinator of the Sport Memory Center (CEMESP) at Unimontes. Leader of the Study Group on the History of Sport and Physical Education (GEHEF), which is part of the Laboratory for the Study, Research and Extension of Leisure (LUDENS), of the DEFD of Unimontes. Currently, he is responsible for the Special Projects Advisory of the Unimontes Teaching Dean's Office. Develops activities with the following themes: Physical Education, with an emphasis on History of Sport and Physical Education; Sports memory; Women; Introduction to Physical Education; Professional Field of Physical Education; Sociocultural Studies of Leisure and Sport; Sport for people with disabilities; Adapted Sports; Paralympic Sport; Equestrian Practices (Equestrian) and Riding Therapy. She was a horse rider (jumping sport) from 1996 to 2015 and Brazilian Champion for Teams in the 0.90m category in 2015. Member of the National History Association (Anpuh). He was a member of the Riding Therapy team at the Equine Center Horse Friend for three years (2010-2013). He is a member of the Center for Studies in the History of Sport and Physical Education (NEHME) of ESEF / UFRGS and of the Group for Studies and Research in Neuroscience, Exercise, Health and Sport (GENESEs), from DEFD of Unimontes. He is also a Research Member at the Brazilian Paralympic Academy (APB). It is associated with the Brazilian College of Sport Sciences (CBCE). He is a member of the Brazilian Olympic Academy. Participated in the 21st International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students of the International Olympic Academy, held in Olympia - Greece.

Rafael Dias de Castro, Deputy Editor

Professor in the area of Theory and Methodology of History at the Department of History of the State University of Montes Claros - Unimontes / MG and permanent professor of the Master's Program in History (PPGH). PhD in History of Sciences by Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Master in History from the Federal University of São João Del Rei and Degree in History from the Federal University of Ouro Preto. My areas of interest are: history theory, history teaching, historiography, historical culture, uses of the past, history of reception and circulation of scientific knowledge.



How to Cite

Liberato Pereira, E., & Dias de Castro, R. (2020). Presentation. Caminhos Da História, 22(2), 1–3. Retrieved from




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