The implantation of telephony in Belém do Pará: the reflexes of modernity for the population (1881 and 1889)

The implantation of telephony in Belém do Pará: the reflexes of modernity for the population (1881 and 1889)



Rubber, Modernity, Telephonic Services, Amazon


This article analyzes the process of deployment of telephony in Belem in the years1881-1889. At the same time, it shows the context saving the rubber which was essential for this process. Belém became the spill way port rubber production, it had an increased tax revenue to state coffers. What enabled investments in major public works such as urban reforms in education, health, public transport, attracting the so-called "progress and modernity."One of the signs of that modernity was the telephone, which boosted the market for goods and services in the city, bringing air of modernity to the local elite of the time.


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Author Biographies

Alessandro Pacheco Frazão, Integrated Faculty of Brazil Amazon - FIBRA

History teacher. Degree in History from Faculdade Integrada Brasil Amazônia - FIBRA. E-mail: ORCID:

Raimundo Nonato de Castro, Pará Federal Institute of Education

PhD in History from the Federal University of Pará (2018). Master in History from the Federal University of Pará (2012). History professor at the Federal Institute of Pará. E-mail: ORCID:


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SARGES, Maria de Nazaré. Belém: Riquezas produzindo a Belle-Époque (1870-1912). Belém: Paka-Tatu, 2002.



How to Cite

Pacheco Frazão, A., & Nonato de Castro, R. . (2020). The implantation of telephony in Belém do Pará: the reflexes of modernity for the population (1881 and 1889): The implantation of telephony in Belém do Pará: the reflexes of modernity for the population (1881 and 1889). Caminhos Da História, 22(2), 15–30. Retrieved from


