The space-time dimension in Fernand Braudel: a reading of the representation of Braudelian historical time and its theoretical contributions
The space-time dimension in Fernand Braudel: a reading of the representation of Braudelian historical time and its theoretical contributions
Braudel, Longa Duração, Lévi-Strauss, Tempo Histórico, Filosofias da HistóriaAbstract
This paper investigates the representation of historical time - the long duration - of the French historian Fernand Braudel from the comparison with the studies of structuralist anthropology by Lévi-Strauss. For this, in a first moment, we will point out the differences and similarities between Braudel's thought that starts from long temporality as a structure of society, which is subsidized by short and medium durations and the “timelessness” contained in structuralist Lévi-Strauss thinking , which tends to homogenize time. With this, finding in Braudelian long time the applicability in the material life of societies, such as people's daily lives, capitalism, cities, economics, etc. In a second step, we will point out that even this concreteness of Braudel's temporal thinking in relation to Lévi-Strauss, it will be possible to find elements that point to a certain body of axioms and laws, by proposing long time as a temporal cause that determines the others temporalities, through epistemological elements that refer to a priority, universality, immobility, among others.
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