From introduction to attachment: the first moves of football in the state of Rio de Janeiro (1910-1930)

From introduction to attachment: the first moves of football in the state of Rio de Janeiro (1910-1930)



Futebol, Brasil, Patrocínios, Benefícios, Dividendos


It is necessary to understand how the appropriation of football was processed and processed among those who made it and make a means to meet personal, family and group goals. It cannot be denied that, particularly in Brazil, football practice is inserted in social relations and, as such, subject to new participations, new senses and meanings. Thus, it is an integral part of the changes engendered by the country's historical process. Case of the State of Rio de Janeiro that, in the first decades of the 20th century, witnessed a frightening proliferation of football clubs, at first restricted to socially privileged individuals. The benefits given for the structuring and maintenance of several associations have left legacies felt in contemporary days. The documentation obtained from the club's archives - such as letters, reports, minutes, circulars and statutes - attests investments by companies in sports practices such as football. Created by workers, many of these clubs sought support for their activities from employers 'boards, this material and financial support, such as the transfer of land for structuring the field and headquarters, game material, rent, uniforms, practitioners' displacements, balls, among others. Not without intentions. Hence the importance of analyzing business documents.


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Author Biography

Agnaldo Kupper, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP Assis)

Professor e Doutor na área de História e Sociedade da Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). Escritor. E-mail: ORCID: https://orcid0000-0001-7547-2334.


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How to Cite

Kupper, A. (2020). From introduction to attachment: the first moves of football in the state of Rio de Janeiro (1910-1930): From introduction to attachment: the first moves of football in the state of Rio de Janeiro (1910-1930). Caminhos Da História, 23(2), 101–116. Retrieved from



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