Cultural circularity and territorial agencies: a conceptual theoretical appreciation
Cultural circularity and territorial agencies: a conceptual theoretical appreciation
Circularidade Cultural, Agenciamento Territorial, Candomblé, Irmandade de Nossa Senhora da Boa MorteAbstract
The aim of this article is to discuss the concept of cultural circularity used by geographer Aureanice de Mello Corrêa to analyze the different forms of organization of afrorreligious cultural practices in space. It is a concept that, in a geographical area, allows us to identify the relation between distinct cultures that unfold in peculiar territorialities, which sometimes interact, in others they are distant in the same territory. Territorialities, these, which will be discussed here, from the analysis of the origins of the traditions of candomblé present in the "Catholic" practices of the Irmandade de Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte, constituted, still in the nineteenth century, from the alliances established among women calls “as negras do partido alto " that circulated between the cities of Salvador and Cachoeira. For this, the concept in question was analyzed in light of the conceptual categories presented by the author throughout her work, among other selected texts.
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