Turbulence of ideas: Sílvio Romero, between literary criticism and the sociology of his time (1851-1914)
Turbulence of ideas: Sílvio Romero, between literary criticism and the sociology of his time (1851-1914)
Silvio Romero, Escola de Le Play, Raça, Positivismo, BrasilAbstract
Sílvio Romero was an importante interpreter of Brazil, from the 1870s. Imbued with naturalistic ideas, originating from Europe, the polygraph fougt the tupiniquim view of brazilian romantiscism, claiminng that this was na unreal, mystical and fanciful view. Controversial and concerned with issues pertinente to the country’s progress, Romero embarked on the teachings of Le Play, with the aim of scanning the various regions of Brazil, making sure that the nature of the Brazilian, to repair it. Writing in a tone of denunciation, Romero disputed with several writers, believing in the strength of Science and its studies, influenced by Spencer, Gobineau, Ammon and Lapouge. Nationalist and restles, Romero sought to find the Brazilian from what he believed to be his foundation, in this case, his character, unfolding in values and moral atributes. Being the apathetic nature of the Brazilian, he bet on the observations of the School of Le Play to repair the poor and miserable picture of Brazil of his time.
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