Literature and social banditry: Antônio Dó portrayed by Saul Martins and Petrônio Braz

Literature and social banditry: Antônio Dó portrayed by Saul Martins and Petrônio Braz



Literatura, Banditismo social, Antônio Dó, Saul Martins, Petrônio Braz


This article aims to analyze how the literature presented the life of Antônio Dó, who, after being arrested, due to land demarcation with his neighbor, fled the police station where he was imprisoned. He recruited a group of men who, from then on, started to follow him and together they did “justice with their own hands”. For nineteen years, Antônio Dó traveled the North of Minas, South of Bahia and South of Goiás. The period in which his band existed was marked by an excess of interventions in the local administration for private interests. After the events, the life of this countryman was portrayed in several ways, but in this article we will analyze the production of Saul Martins and Petrônio Braz, and we have as a research problem to understand if the social context appears in the works? To carry out such an analysis, we will compare through interviews how the authors produced their works. As a conclusion, we understand that the two authors, each in their own way, portrayed the context in which the events of Antônio Dó's life took place.


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Author Biography

Rejane Meireles Amaral Rodrigues, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (Unimontes)

Doutora em História Social pela UFU. Professora do Departamento de História da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (Unimontes-MG) e do PPGH – Unimontes. E-mail: ORCID:


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How to Cite

Meireles Amaral Rodrigues, R. (2020). Literature and social banditry: Antônio Dó portrayed by Saul Martins and Petrônio Braz: Literature and social banditry: Antônio Dó portrayed by Saul Martins and Petrônio Braz. Caminhos Da História, 25(2), 7–30. Retrieved from


