The musical scene “blues” of Fortaleza 1989-1992: the first moments of Blues Pai D’Égua

The musical scene “blues” of Fortaleza 1989-1992: the first moments of Blues Pai D’Égua



Blues, “Rock ‘n’ roll”, Fortaleza, Youth, Music scene


This text aims to analyze the first moments of the so-called “blues” music scene in Fortaleza, between the years 1989 and 1992. In this space of action marked by a musical production and later, in the second half of the 1990s, seriously symbolically called Blues Pai D'Égua, we highlight the following contributions to the development and implementation of the “blues” in Fortaleza. As for its early years, a music scene gradually integrated and highlighted in a musical context strengthened through public growth, increased shows or the emergence of artists who participate in different shows in places like a Kafua tent (in the coastal region of the city), specifically at Praia do Futuro). Still on this music scene, it identifies its connection with movements linked to "rock and roll", because the presence of agents that produce these two musical genres means acting for these productions. Interconnected, they (through the subjects involved) build a young and restless Fortaleza. To theoretically foster text, present the concept of a music scene; in methodological terms of evidence, mainly the hemerographic materials based on reports from the newspapers O Povo and Diário do Nordeste (newspapers of great circulation in Ceará).


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Author Biography

Leopoldo de Macedo Barbosa, Rede pública municipal de ensino de Pacatuba/CE

Doutorando pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em História e Espaços da Universidade Federal do Grande do Norte e professor de História da rede pública de ensino, Prefeitura Municipal de Pacatuba-Ceará. E-mail: ORCID:


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How to Cite

de Macedo Barbosa, L. (2021). The musical scene “blues” of Fortaleza 1989-1992: the first moments of Blues Pai D’Égua: The musical scene “blues” of Fortaleza 1989-1992: the first moments of Blues Pai D’Égua. Caminhos Da História, 26(1), 185–205. Retrieved from



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