Apresentação - Dossiê - História e saúde: as interfaces entre a ação pública, as iniciativas da sociedade civil e as inovações tecnológicas

Presentation - Dossier - History and health: interfaces between public action, civil society initiatives and technological innovations



History, Health, Public Action, Civil Society, Technological Innovations


Presentation of the Dossier - History and Health: interfaces between public action, civil society initiatives and technological innovations


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Author Biographies

Vanessa Lana, Federal University of Viçosa (UFV)

PhD and Post-Doctorate in History of Sciences by Casa de Oswaldo Cruz / FIOCRUZ. Professor of the Department of History at the Federal University of Viçosa and of the Master in Cultural Heritage, Landscapes and Citizenship. E-mail: vanessalana@ufv.br. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1950-1206.

Luiz Antônio Teixeira, Oswaldo Cruz House / FIOCRUZ

PhD in Social History. Researcher in the Research Department and in the Graduate Program in History of Science and Health, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz / FIOCRUZ. Professor in the Graduate Program in Child and Women's Health at the Fernandes Figueira Institute. Productivity researcher by CNPq. Scientist of Our State by Faperj. E-mail: luiztei3@gmail.com. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8871-0928.


BERRIDGE, Virgínia. History in public health: who needs it? The Lancet, Reino Unido, v. 356, p. 1923-1925, dez. 2000.

FEE, Elizabeth and BROWN, Theodore. Editorial: Why history? American Journal of Public Health, v.87, n.11, p.1763-1764, 1997.

PERDIGUERO, E.; BERNABEU, J.; HUERTAS, R.; RODRIGUEZ-OCAÑA, E. History of health, a valuable tool in public health. Journal of Epidemiological Community Health, v. 55, n. 9, p. 667-673, 2001.

ROSENBERG, Charles. Disease in History: Frames and Framers. The Milbank Quarterly, v. 67, n. 1, p. 1-15, 1989.



How to Cite

Lana, V. ., & Teixeira, L. A. . (2021). Apresentação - Dossiê - História e saúde: as interfaces entre a ação pública, as iniciativas da sociedade civil e as inovações tecnológicas: Presentation - Dossier - History and health: interfaces between public action, civil society initiatives and technological innovations. Caminhos Da História, 26(2), 4–9. Retrieved from https://www.periodicos.unimontes.br/index.php/caminhosdahistoria/article/view/4337


