Archeology and History in the modern conception of the Greek city

Archeology and History in the modern conception of the Greek city





ancient city, polis, interpretations of the past, city and territory, mobility in Ancient Mediterranean


In this brief text, we seek to expose some of our reflections on the relationship between Archaeology and History as disciplines of the past; reflections built throughout my career at the University of São Paulo.


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Author Biography

Maria Beatriz Borba Florenzano, University of São Paulo (USP)

Professora Titular de Arqueologia Clássica. Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo; cocoordenadora do LABECA/MAE/USP. E-mail: Orcid:


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How to Cite

Florenzano, M. B. B. (2022). Archeology and History in the modern conception of the Greek city: Archeology and History in the modern conception of the Greek city. Caminhos Da História, 27(1), 14–26.