Archeology and separatism: the case of Val Camônica (Lombardy, Italy)

Archeology and separatism: the case of Val Camônica (Lombardy, Italy)





European prehistory, Rock-art, Val Camonica, Archaeology and Identities, Archaeology and politics


In Val Camônica (Brescia, Italy) there is the largest archaeological site of rock-art in Europe and its investigation began in the first half of the 20th century. Since then, the area has become increasingly important for the study of (so-called) prehistoric Europe and has played a highly representative role in the search for the ancient roots of the valley communities and, more generally, of northern Italy itself. In the late 1980s, the Lega Nord party (today the Lega party) was created, promoting the institution of an independent state called Padania. From that moment on, the themes of rock engravings were adopted, used and abused to disseminate ideologies and justify political intentions. The present text aims to briefly illustrate the dynamics behind the civil and political movement of the then Lega Nord and use of archaeology by institutions to forge the path towards the formation of a common European identity based on the history of Lombardy.


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Author Biography

Viviana Lo Monaco, Paulista State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" - UNESP Franca

PhD in Archaeology from the Postgraduate Program of the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of the University of São Paulo. Post-doctoral researcher and FAPESP fellow, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais - UNESP Campus de Franca (SP). Member of LABECA/MAE/USP and G.LEIR/UNESP/Franca; coordinator of Lab.Arque/UNESP/Franca, ORCID:


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How to Cite

Lo Monaco, V. . (2022). Archeology and separatism: the case of Val Camônica (Lombardy, Italy): Archeology and separatism: the case of Val Camônica (Lombardy, Italy). Caminhos Da História, 27(1), 96–115.