The image of samba: the materiality of the image and the intangible of the sound – a look at the history of music in Brazil
The image of samba: the materiality of the image and the intangible of the sound – a look at the history of music in Brazil
History of Brazilian Music, African Music, Musicology, History of Samba, Transcultural StudiesAbstract
In this essay I intend to raise some items of a general historiography of samba in Brazil, which is based on diverse sources and data. It is worth asking why, until then, samba was, itself, threaded to adjust to divergent epistemological criteria. The historiography that includes samba, on the one side, and ethnomusicological research and popular music studies on the other, maintains its approaches that are clearly delimited, with little dialogue with each other. It seems clear that the most feasible thing would be to assume the opposite, that of adequacy of methods and approaches according to the questions that arise from the very object of inquiry itself, the samba. But it's rare for that to happen. Thinking about a samba historiography requires, therefore, expanding knowledge about a living heritage in Brazil, as represented by this musical genre; more than that, it is urgent to break the chains imposed by the epistemological segmentation that until today dominates musicology in general and thus also the study of samba in particular.
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