Brief notes on the relationship between history, music and technology. A case study in Radiohead's music

Brief notes on the relationship between history, music and technology. A case study in Radiohead's music





Radiohead, Technology, Music, History, Everyday life


This article discusses aspects of the relationship between history, music and technoculture. For that, the song The Tourist by the British band Radiohead will be the soundtrack used to discuss how technological transformations are connected with the forms of artistic production, music creation and music consumption. These themes help us to understand aspects of everyday life and the culture through the changes brought by the diffusion of new technologies at the end of the 20th century. The article is divided into 3 main axes: the first presents a brief history of the relationship between history and music in the first decade of the 2000s and addresses the definition of Urban Popular Music and the concept of soundscape; the second deals with the relationship between technology and music and presents the concept of technoculture, in this axis, it still discusses aspects related to the use of noise as an aesthetic resource in music; the third axis relates to the two previous axes and argues that Urban Popular Music is a privileged object when one intends to study the transformations in sensibilities and daily life from the popularization of technology.


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Author Biography

Luiz Filipe da Silva Correia, University of São Paulo (USP)

PhD in Social History from FFLCH - USP. Contact: Orcid:


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How to Cite

da Silva Correia, L. F. (2023). Brief notes on the relationship between history, music and technology. A case study in Radiohead’s music: Brief notes on the relationship between history, music and technology. A case study in Radiohead’s music. Caminhos Da História, 28(1), 81–98.