Women and political participations (Brazil, 1964)

Women and political participations (Brazil, 1964)





Women’s history, Political activism, Gender studies, Resistances, Brazil


The article is the narrative of the protagonism of the militant women in the opposition to the coup and the military dictatorship implanted, since 1964, in Brazil, from diverse political initiatives, including in opposition to the actions of the militant coup, based on the Marxist approach of gender and in decolonial feminism. From the articulations between their intimate and public lives, excerpts from their biographies and insertions in leftist parties and social movements, it seeks to highlight the historical, dialectical and material relations of the intersectionality of the social-sex in the process of class struggle, understanding the history of these women active in Recife as a micro-universe interfering and revealing the national and Latin American macrostructure, within the broader movement of opposition to neocolonization policies guided by international capitalism and organized by imperialist countries. This narrative is based on the perception of the sociocultural construction of the subject revealing the political-economic structure of resistance to the state of exception, while at the same time emphasizing that the search for the psychological origins of actions in the narrated historical events is not the guiding principle of the analysis, agreeing that human complexity, dialectically observed, objectively results in history, any subjective allusion without foundation in praxis being contestable.


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Author Biography

Andréa Bandeira, University of Pernambuco (UPE)

PhD in History from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). She is an adjunct professor at the University of Pernambuco, responsible for the publications “Notório Saber em Cultura Popular”, “Crônicas Fotoográficas” and “Tempo de Contar”. She is one of the coordinators of the podcast "Segundas Feministas, your history program, online", and works in the extension program "Training for editing in podcast content". She is leader of the UPE Social Sciences Research Core Research Group (NUPECS), vice-leader of the Gender Research and Studies Core Research Group (NUPEGE/UFRPE), member of ProjetAH, History of Women, Gender, Images, Sertões and national coordinator of the GT Gender Studies ANPUH Brazil (2021-2023 administration). E-mail: andrea.bandeira@upe.br. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2958-1203.


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How to Cite

Bandeira, A. (2023). Women and political participations (Brazil, 1964): Women and political participations (Brazil, 1964). Caminhos Da História, 28(2), 58–81. https://doi.org/10.46551/issn.2317-0875v28n2p.58-81