The urban guerrilla in the Brasília/Goiânia axis: spaces of resistance and hope(lessness)?

The urban guerrilla in the Brasília/Goiânia axis: spaces of resistance and hope(lessness)?





Oral History, Urban Guerrilla, Women's History, Gender


The presented article aims to analyze the representations of women in the spaces of the urban guerrilla that occurred in the Brasília/Goiânia axis. The intention is, through oral history, to extract from the narratives of the interviewed women fragments and vestiges that reveal how the action of women in the spaces of struggle for the return to democracy in the Brazilian dictatorial regime was another space of struggles for rights and social equality. The resistances, reverberated through acts of memory, may indicate that the fight against the multiple oppressions experienced by women can be found in experiences lived in different spaces, temporalities and social contexts.


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Author Biography

Eloisa Pereira Barroso, University of Brasília (UnB)

PhD in Sociology from the University of Brasília, with a sandwich doctorate in Sociology from Frei Universität Berlin-Germany. Associate Professor at the University of Brasília (UnB), in the Department of History. Director of the Directorate of Social Development of UnB and registered in the Postgraduate Program in History at UnB. E-mail: ORCID:


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How to Cite

Pereira Barroso, E. (2023). The urban guerrilla in the Brasília/Goiânia axis: spaces of resistance and hope(lessness)? The urban guerrilla in the Brasília/Goiânia axis: spaces of resistance and hope(lessness)?. Caminhos Da História, 28(2), 82–102.