Clandestine: stories of struggle and resistance against the Banzer dictatorship in Bolivia (1973-1976)

Clandestine: stories of struggle and resistance against the Banzer dictatorship in Bolivia (1973-1976)





Women, Miners, Class, Gender, Race


This paper reconstructs part of the processes of struggle and resistance of the Committee of Housewives of the 20th Century during the strikes of 1975 and 1976 in Bolívia based on an analysis based on Antonio Gramci's concepts of subalternity, Silvia Federici's double oppression, intersectionality from the perspective of Sara Salem and the motley multitemporality of Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui. Seeking to answer, what were the strategies and organizational forms that miners in the 20th century gave themselves to the intervention, persecution, torture, murder and repression of the dictatorship? Is there a dimension that recognizes the multiplicity of oppressions for women and mining workers? Is the indigenous component another dimension of oppression? Do you recognize it as such? For which, it focuses its methodology on working with secondary oral sources, mainly women miners who have left their testimony in various written and audiovisual interviews. In this way, it is affirmed that the strategies of struggle and resistance are built from their relations of exploitation and oppression within the capitalist, patriarchal and racist system with the aim of questioning class exploitation and oppression of gender and race.


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Author Biography

Javier Sebastián Rojas, National University of San Martín (UNSAM)

Professor graduated from UBA - Graduate student at CEL-UNSAM, E-mail: ORCID:


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How to Cite

Sebastián Rojas, J. (2023). Clandestine: stories of struggle and resistance against the Banzer dictatorship in Bolivia (1973-1976): Clandestine: stories of struggle and resistance against the Banzer dictatorship in Bolivia (1973-1976). Caminhos Da História, 28(2), 123–143.