Spiritual crisis and political-economic crisis: gnoses and pagan political projects in front of western and secular christian civilization in search of the lost continents

Spiritual crisis and political-economic crisis: gnoses and pagan political projects in front of western and secular christian civilization in search of the lost continents





spiritual crisis/crisis of values, New Rights, temporal and generational eschatologies


The article proposes, as a question, the analytical debate of epistemological conceptions that are intended to be renewing, within the scope of the current Right-wing movements, in the 21st century and that present themselves as innovations, considering original conceptions about the relations between the mythical Past and the Present dystopian, in their own perspectives, as they consider that the development of Universal History would have broken with a religious or spiritual Natural Order, forged by ancestral culture that was destroyed when replaced by another progressive civilizing process that would have made them invisible, producing continental cultural losses , but not destroyed them, as they would emerge from the political forces of the renewed Right. In this work, the analysis of two exemplary movements in terms of categorization will be presented: New Rights, configured within the scope of Traditionalism. One of them, the French New Right and the other, the Brazilian Integralist and Linearist Movement. The analysis proposes theoretical dialogue based on the explanation of some ongoing approaches to the trajectory of Politics, as a progressive development of complex social relations and antagonistic movements that, without abandoning the field of Politics, oppose disputes in the progressive democratic agora and develop alternatives mythical and mystical to legitimize their points of view, as a future project of humanity under continental racial command, whether the original homeland (Ur) is Europe or Atlantis.


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Author Biography

Marcia Regina da Silva Ramos Carneiro, Fluminense Federal University (UFF)

Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences and Regional Development, Fluminense Federal University, working in the History Department. E-mail: marciarrcarneiro@gmail.com. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6400-4199.


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How to Cite

Carneiro, M. R. da S. R. (2024). Spiritual crisis and political-economic crisis: gnoses and pagan political projects in front of western and secular christian civilization in search of the lost continents: Spiritual crisis and political-economic crisis: gnoses and pagan political projects in front of western and secular christian civilization in search of the lost continents. Caminhos Da História, 29(1), 42–66. https://doi.org/10.46551/issn.2317-0875v29n1p.42-66