Woman and black teacher: narrative and memory in the exercise of teaching in the period of the pandemic of COVID-19, in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais

Woman and black teacher: narrative and memory in the exercise of teaching in the period of the pandemic of COVID-19, in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais





Life stories, Racism, Gender, ´Pandemic, Montes Claros


In 2020, a new scenario presented humanity motivated by the Coronavirus pandemic. An impactful reality in several dimensions, however, revealing new challenges for the educational and historical field, fields of this study. How to deal with this situation in schools, especially in the public and elementary schools in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais? Faced with this situation, how did this pandemic crisis of Covid-19 establish relationships involving education, race, class and gender? How can we "tell" the life stories of black women teachers regarding their practices in the process of teaching and learning from elementary school? What were your experiences? With these questions, the research aimed to study the narratives and memories of women, teachers and blackwomen, in the exercise of teaching at that time, in Montes Claros. The methodology used consisted of Oral History, recounting interviews of nine collaborators, however, this narrative presents the story of only one of them, whose perceptions and experiences are similar. This is the story of an collaborator who goes through collective experiences. It was found that the pandemic surprised everyone and especially the professional school. Teachers were forced to adopt new measures, changing the work routine, creating dynamics for the non-face-to-face format. It was concluded that during this period there were several confrontations for the exercise of teaching, especially in peripheral schools, such as lack of technological resources and science of its functioning.


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Author Biographies

Filomena Luciene Cordeiro Reis, Montes Claros State University (Unimontes)

PhD in History from the University of Uberlândia and post-doctoral internship in Education at the University of Uberaba. Professor in the History Department and PPGH at Unimontes; Professor of Law at Centro Universitário Funorte. Montes Claros, Brazil. E-mail: filomena.reis@unimontes.br. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2175-8390.

Wenceslau Gonçalves Neto, Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU)

PhD in History from the University of São Paulo and post-doctoral internship in History of Education at the University of Lisbon. Professor in the Postgraduate Program at the University of Uberaba and the Federal University of Uberlândia. Uberaba, Brazil. E-mail: wenceslau@ufu.br. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4374-0311.


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How to Cite

Reis, F. L. C., & Gonçalves Neto, W. (2024). Woman and black teacher: narrative and memory in the exercise of teaching in the period of the pandemic of COVID-19, in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais: Woman and black teacher: narrative and memory in the exercise of teaching in the period of the pandemic of COVID-19, in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais. Caminhos Da História, 29(1), 118–136. https://doi.org/10.46551/issn.2317-0875v29n1p.118-136