Reconstructing the sounds of the past: listening to women about the De Pé no Chão Também se Aprende a Ler campaign (1961-1964)
Reconstructing the sounds of the past: listening to women about the De Pé no Chão Também se Aprende a Ler campaign (1961-1964)
Sensitive listening, Potiguar Women, Educational Campaign, Sounds of the past, Standing on the groundAbstract
The educational campaign standing on the ground: You also learn to read was created during the municipal administration of Djalma Maranhão, in the city of Natal, in 1961, aiming to eradicate illiteracy and value popular culture. The initiative was assisted by educator Paulo Freire and the mobilization of part of the youth who longed to transform reality through education. Regarding cultural activities, these were mirrored in the Popular Culture Movement (MCP) of Recife. In addition, its implementation involved the collaboration of women in key activities of the municipal administration. With the civil-military coup of 1964, these women were arrested, accused of subversion and had their lives transformed by the resurgence of the military regime. The methodology used involved historical research and interviews linked to the Comprehensive Discourse Analysis elaborated by Jean-Claude Kaufmann (2013), based on the sensitive listening of five women, analysis of government documents and local journals. As a result, through the perspective of women, we unveil peculiar aspects of the implementation of educational activities, notably the success of adult literacy in the city of Natal and the political conjuncture tainted by polarization and disputes for local hegemony.
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