Healing arts of the praying women of the Alto Sertão region of Paraíba: challenges and resistance in the practice of traditional knowledge in contemporary times

Healing arts of the praying women of the Alto Sertão region of Paraíba: challenges and resistance in the practice of traditional knowledge in contemporary times





Oral History, Healing Arts, Prayer Women, Traditional Knowledge, Contemporary Times


This manuscript deals with the healing arts of praying women in the high backlands of Paraíba from the second half of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. We highlight aspects of oral tradition, the learning process and the application of prayers. The backbone of the text seeks to reflect on how healing agents deal with contemporary contexts that involve disbelief in traditional healing knowledge. In the construction of this work, we chose to use the methodology of oral history for both analysis and production of historical sources. In this sense, we find support in the writings of Meihy and Holanda (2018); Garay (1997); Meihy and Seawright (2020); Alberti (2004). Finally, we conclude that healing prayers, as a social practice, adapt to the contexts in which they occur. As they circulate in time, space and society, new elements are incorporated to give meaning and coherence to the culture of prayer and its practitioners.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Ramon Queiroz de Assis, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (PPGHCS/COC/Fiocruz)

Master in History (PPGH/UFCG). PhD student in History at the Postgraduate Program in the History of Science and Health at Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (PPGHCS/COC/Fiocruz) - Rio de Janeiro (RJ). E-mail: roberto.ramon9@gmail.com. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5352-8496.

Azemar dos Santos Soares Junior, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (DPEC/UFRN)

PhD in Education (PPGE/UFPB). Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Practices and Curriculum at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (DPEC/UFRN). He is an accredited professor in the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (PPGEd/UFRN) - Natal (RN). E-mail: azemarsoares@hotmail.com. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0015-415X.


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How to Cite

Assis, R. R. Q. de, & Soares Junior, A. dos S. (2024). Healing arts of the praying women of the Alto Sertão region of Paraíba: challenges and resistance in the practice of traditional knowledge in contemporary times: Healing arts of the praying women of the Alto Sertão region of Paraíba: challenges and resistance in the practice of traditional knowledge in contemporary times. Caminhos Da História, 29(2), 135–153. https://doi.org/10.46551/issn.2317-0875v29n2p.135-153