The visual representation of Lula and Collor in the Voz da Unidade newspaper during the second round of the 1989 election
The visual representation of Lula and Collor in the Voz da Unidade newspaper during the second round of the 1989 election
Voz da Unidade, Election, Lula, Collor, Brazilian Communist PartyAbstract
In this article I analyzed five editions of the Brazilian Communist Party newspaper, published between the first and second rounds of the 1989 Brazilian presidential election. Through this corpus I understood how the newspaper constructed the images of the two presidential candidates, Fernando Collor de Mello and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Taking into account that the PCB started to support Lula's candidacy in the second round of the election, I raised the differences between the creation of a positive image for this candidate and a negative image for Collor. In order to analyze the context of production of the sources, I also carry out a brief debate about the end of the Sarney government. To carry out this research I use the thoughts of authors who work on image sources, both photography and drawing; therefore, I apply the theoretical-methodological framework present in the works of Lorenzo Vilches as well as in the productions of Rodrigo Tavares and Boris Kossoy. From what was analyzed, I conclude that Voz da Unidade sought to bring Lula's image closer to the ideals of the party itself, while Collor was represented only in a comical capacity, being mocked as a politician by the periodical.
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VOZ DA UNIDADE, 23 de novembro de 1989, p.1-2.
VOZ DA UNIDADE, 30 de novembro de 1989, p.1-3.
VOZ DA UNIDADE, 7 de dezembro de 1989, p.1-2.
VOZ DA UNIDADE, 13 de dezembro de 1989, p.1-2.
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VOZ DA UNIDADE SEGUNDO TURNO, 7 de dezembro de 1989, p.1.
VOZ DA UNIDADE SEGUNDO TURNO, 13 de dezembro de 1989, p.1.