Temporal variation of the normalized difference vegetation index as a tool identification tool in the Ribeirão das Cabras hydrographic basin
Flood risk. Reservoir. Satellite image. NDVI. Campinas.Abstract
Technology’s advance through of satellite imagery us have driven the different types of terrestrial surface monitoring. Based on this advance, this article aims to analyze the vegetal cover in Ribeirão das Cabras hydrographic basin, localized at Campinas/SP, using remote sensing techniques for Normalized difference vegetation index – NDVI. The work used images from Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI satellites in the period of rainy season in the region from years 1986, 1992, 1999, 2004, 2011 and 2018. For each image were calculated the NDVI values and grouped in six classes. The result of the images showed that the intense vegetal cover areas suffered small alterations in the study period. The main highlight was observed in the class that characterize water bodies, demonstrating an increase in the reserve capacity through the construction of dams in the region. These structures were implanted, in large part, from inadequate projects and constructions. These elements potentiate flood events in the region by breaking the dams. Thus, it was considered the classification of the images using the NDVI, a tool that promotes an understanding and analysis of the dynamics of vegetation cover in different types of scale and seasonality, determining conditions for increasing the potential of disaster risks to the environment.
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