Estimation of the environmental quality index of the city of Uberlândia using remote sensing
Environmental Quality. Vegetation Indexes. Surface Temperature. Remote Sensing.Abstract
The use of geotechnologies and their applications with remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) have been widely used in recent years and contribute much to the advance in the knowledge of the landscape dynamics, being an excellent tool due to the aspects of easy visualization and speed to aid in decision making. In this context, the present work aims to develop and test a method for estimating environmental quality using four environmental indicators derived from satellite images for the city of Uberlândia/MG: TS (Surface Temperature), NDVI (Vegetation Difference Index Normalized), SAVI (Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index) and NSI (Normalized Soil Difference Index). For this purpose, an image of the Landsat 8 satellite was used to determine the TS, correlating with the NDVI, SAVI and NSI indices obtained from a Sentinel-2A image, processed in the GIS ILWIS 3.4. The results show that NDVI and SAVI are correlated with each other, while NSI and TS are correlated with areas of higher anthropic construction. Although the environmental quality is determined by a large number of variables, the data obtained through remote sensing show potential in the estimation of environmental quality indices, being a quick access tool to obtain spatio-temporal information of urban environmental factors, contributing to the planning and implementation of public policies.
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