Geography: scientific relations and analysis of methods
Geography; Method; Geographical Epistemology.Abstract
Although the systematization of Geography dates back only to the nineteenth century, in Prussia, present Germany, by Alexandre Von Humboldt and Karl Ritter, the existence of geographic knowledge had been observed since the earliest times. Throughout the evolution of this science different approaches have characterized it, as Positivist, Neopositivist, Humanistic and Critical. Nowadays the Geography that has been tried to make and to remake is of holistic character, a plural Geography. However, this view created an excessive fragmentation of geographic knowledge, which promoted a distancing of the geographer's identity. Therefore, the objective of this article is to present the panorama of geographic thought and the relation with the scientific knowledge along the historical evolution of the geographic thought, as well as the main methods that concern it in this process. The methodological path is based on a bibliographical survey that will allow to analyze the methods used in the trajectory of Geography as science.
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