2030 Agenda and the sanitation as an indicator of sustainability
Sustainability. Sanitation. Health Management. Conservation units. Coastal Communities.Abstract
The access to drinking water supply and adequate sanitation is part of Agenda 2030 for the Sustainable Development. Seen as a sanitary measure of the environment, able to make it healthy, sanitation is a service that lends itself to a public, regardless the legal nature of its organization. The objective of the present study is to identify the main variables that make up the sanitation item in a riverine community located in an environmentally protected area in the Brazilian Amazon. It is a longitudinal study, of a descriptive and ecological nature, based on field research with the application of structured questionnaires and direct observation. The sanitation conditions found were precarious or minimally guaranteed. The widespread use of "sewage cesspits" and the difficulty in supplying drinking water was worrisome, indicating the need for some form of intervention that could correct this trend. It is concluded that the analysis of community sanitation conditions, examined in a temporal scale, allows the observation of the behavior of the variables that make up the indicator used and, in this way, the detection of risks or vulnerabilities that can, with the persistence of negative trends economic, social and environmental aspects that characterize the sustainability of these communities.
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