Center and centrality in Araguaína: preliminary reflection from services and network commerce
Araguaína; center; restructuring; city.Abstract
This article aims to identify and analyze the urban center of Araguaína-TO from the economic dimension, having as variables the commerce and the services. The work chose the home appliance and asupermarket/wholesale trade, and banking, post office, lottery and registry offices as key activities for the qualification of the center and centralities. For the delimitation of the center of the city of Araguaína was considered the streets and stretches that show concentration of commercial activities and services over 70%, provided it was marked by the contiguity. There were two processes in courses that consolidate trends while announcing others; first, the Araguaína center has been strengthened in recente years by the installation of large companies, susch as the Bahia houses and a Bradesco Banch; second, it is seen that several companies that already work in the center open branches in other áreas of the city others settle directly outside the same, as is the case of Lojas Americanas, whith two units in the city. This framework allowed us to affirm that the changes in the urban structure linked to consumption are consistente with a restructuring of the city, since the changes are predominant.
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