Vegetable garden: popular culture and science scientific identification, properties and uses: an experience in integral education
Environmental education; gardening; sustainability; medicinal plants and spices; scientific identification.Abstract
Sustainability is one of the current concerns, and gardening is a useful mechanism for sustainable actions, such as recycling products and generating economic value. The general objective was to attend life projects of students enrolled in the elective discipline Horta, Vegetable Garden, Popular Culture and Science of the state high school and belonging to the Program of Integral Education E.E.Vitor Meireles, located in Campinas-SP. Specific objectives: to emphasize the importance of traditional use and scientific knowledge of medicinal herbs, spices and vegetables, and scientifically identify the species produced. Procedures: 39 students participated in the study that occurred between August and November 2015. They used seedlings, gardening materials, recycled tires and pet bottles. The study included practical classes in the garden area and theoretical on systematics, hunger in Brazil and soil types. Results: 100% of the cultivated species (35) developed, being scientifically identified and presented in culmination event of the elective subjects at the end of 2015. Thus, it was concluded that the objectives of the study were met, beyond the limits of the school in the As the students, their families and the community where they live may feel encouraged to develop their gardens and benefit from them.
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