Analysis of occupational management in Montes Claros - MG: Impacts of land use and its consequences on surface temperature
Urbanization; Surface temperature; urban Development; Montes Claros.Abstract
The use of the soil is the activity of a society above a surface, this is characterized according to the individualities combined with the patterns of human needs. One of the environmental impacts that must be considered in this appropriation process is the surface thermal behavior. In this sense, the present study, having as its study area the urban perimeter of Montes Claros - MG, aimed to analyze the occupation of urban space in the city under a chronological condition: 1990 to 2010. Through the analysis of remote sensing images (Landsat 5 TM), it was verified that the occupation model caused urban problems of a thermal nature. The results showed that the regions with decreasing NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and high density of buildings had significant temperature increase in the period considered, confirming the problem of surface temperature increase in urban centers .
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