Evaluation of field work in the Geography teaching-learning process
Geography; School; Teaching-learning; Field work.Abstract
The field work is an important methodological resource in the teaching-learning process, being one of the great interest instruments for the more several sciences teaching in the fundamental and average levels. However, there aren't many jobs that evaluate precisely the importance of field work, mostly in the that tolls the geography teaching for school. Ahead of this, the goal of this study is to evaluate the field work importance as research method and of didactic activities in the Geography classes through a quantitative method. For that, it used the application of an evaluating exercise to two students' groups: The group control (group formed by 12 students who were submitted to the evaluation only after the theoretical classes) and the group test (group formed by 10 students who were submitted to the evaluation after the theoretical classes and the field work). Our researches showed that there was significant difference between both groups. The group control got right, on an average, 43,3% of the evaluation while the group test reached indices of near hit to 84% of the matters. Therefore it is of extreme relevance that the public entities and teaching institutions invest in this teaching practice since the field work be a very effective activity to consolidate the learning of the students.
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