Place approach in a textbook of spelling the 6th grade of Elementary School
Geography School; Textbook; Place; Teaching-learning.Abstract
The textbook (LD) is the pedagogical resource most used by teachers and students in the teaching-learning process, despite not being the only one. From this consideration, this article presents the approach of the place concept in a textbook of 6th year, resource widely used by teachers and students in the teaching- learning process. The analysis included bibliographic survey, to highlight the importance of school geography and place, followed by fieldwork in the research school. The results show that the use of the book in Geography lessons , despite having elements favorable to conduct the learning more attractive , problematical and instigator , gives a superficial perspective of the place approach. This result contradicts the provisions of the guidelines regarding the School Geography and official documents that link the appreciation of the place in educational relations / learning , as a means of empowerment and recovery of the world lived the student , the construction of knowledge mediators geographical.
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