The public politicies and their reflexes in the way of life of the riverside dwellers in the Menino Deus community in Portel (PA)
Public Politicies; Riverside dwellers; Way of Life; Community.Abstract
The aim of this work is to identify and analyze how these public politicies permeat the daily lives of the Riverside dwellers from the Menino Deus Community, as well as explain the relationship that exixts between it and the way of living of those people. Even though, we have noticed that the public politicies that were applied in that Community are disjointed fron the others, where the responsible bodies don’t plan, nor formulate their actions jointly and much less guarantee the participation of those individuals in the process of elaborations and decisions of the public politicies. Therefore, the analysis of that process was through observations made in the referred Community, where it was possible to learn the reflexes of such politicies in their way of living. It was used the application of a questionnaire and interviews with Menino Deus’ residentes, as well as, some research tools as pictures of the studied space and subsequentlyr, the analysis of the data that are presented in the body of this work, facilitates the understanding and the interpretation of the results.
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