Multitemporal analysis of the land use and land cover of the Conceção do Araguaia city, State of Pará, through Google Earth Engine
Geotechnologies. Deforestation. Amazon Rainforest.Abstract
The Amazon Forest is the largest contiguous tropical forest on the planet and covers about 40% of Brazilian territory, it has been going through an intense process of conversion of forest areas, mainly in the arc of deforestation, which is a critical area with environmental problems such as burning and deforestation. The municipality of Conceição do Araguaia-PA is in this critical area and presents itself as a front for the expansion of agropastoral activity in the region. The objective of the work was to make a temporal analysis of changes in land use and land cover in the municipality of Conceição do Araguaia. For the development of the work, images from the Landsat-5/TM satellite from 1999 and 2009, and from the Landsat-8/OLI-TIRS satellite from the year 2019 were processed and classified on the Google Earth Engine platform. From the results obtained, it was found that between 1999 and 2019 there was a deforestation of 22% in the municipality under study, with agropastoral activity having increased by 14,6%. With this it can be concluded that the edaphoclimatic conditions favor the development of agriculture and livestock and it is directly linked to local deforestation, being characterized as the main economic matrix of the municipality.
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