Estimate of liabilities at the Caidor Watershed, Silvânia - Goiás, as a subsidy for the creation of an environmental protection area
Environmental Monitoring. Permanent Preservation Area. Sentinel.Abstract
Environmental Protection Areas (APA) are typically associated with Conservation Units, acting as a biodiversity protection zone, especially in the border region, most affected by deforestation and burnings. However, its adoption also occurs as protection for hydrographic areas, such as those with springs and points of capture for public supply. It is the case of the hydrographic basin of the Caidor river, in the municipality of Silvânia, Goiás (Brazil). In this context, this study seeks to subsidize an APA's implementation in the Caidor river basin through temporal analysis on land use in the region. To this end, an extensive database was organized, consisting of satellite images (Sentinel platform), location of agro-industries, wells and dams, irrigation pivots, and the current land use and land cover maps (together with data from the Rural Environmental Registry - CAR). As a result of this survey, the maps with the environmental liabilities in the study area are presented, aiming to determine the APA and control of the rural properties, especially those with more significant polluting potential. About 80% of this basin has land use for agricultural purposes, with their respective environmental liabilities associated with water resources pressure.
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