A transformação urbana de Montes Claros: surgimento e crescimento do bairro Cidade Industrial
polarizer center; industrial city; rural exodus; immigration; link among.Abstract
The city of Montes Claros is strategically located in the North of the State of Minas Gerais, presenting good alternatives and possibilities for investments. It’s being considerated a link among the urban regions of the country, and for this, it is called “Polarized Center” in the Northern of the State. Its geographical position provides it to be an attractive pole for several profitable services, and it has been leading to immigration of the surrounding population causing rural exodus. It can be verified by the appearance of the neighborhood “Industrial City”, which appeared in 1993 in the surroundings of the city. This disordered occupation affected the urban planning of that area, causing alterations in the geographical space. In this context, it is the aim
of the study, the advances and industrial-urban manifestation of the city of Montes Claros from 1970 on, emphasizing the origin of the neighborhood and its spatial and social-environmental transformations. It was looked for technical basis to carry out the study, with later data tabulation. It can be perceived the spatial-urban transformations which marked the area, becoming clear the necessity of changing the history of that place with social/economic and educational investments which will provide the changes in quality of life.
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