Socioterritorialidade no Norte de Minas: lugar de vida – tradição e modernidade
North of Mines. Agricultural modernization. Traditional populations. Socioterritorialização.Abstract
The agrarian policy that has seen formulating proposals to alleviate conflicts of agrarian stamp, being replaced by public policy, sustainable rural development, which was responsible for the modernization and promotion of the field, in which, territorial contours were created and recreated by industrial capital and financial. Thus, the reading of the Brazilian and specifically North of Mines was in reference paradigm of agricultural modernization. In this context, the concentration land in Brazil has historical roots, since, training and occupation of the territory still in the colonial period were made by sesmarias. Initially was introduced a monoculture of sugar cane and subsequently cited in the 1970, the monoculture of eucalyptus, grains, cotton, holders of large tracts of land, with high productivity intended to supply the foreign market. Thus, small rural producers, remnants of quilombos, Indians, traditional populations have been and are being expropriated of their land according to the need of acquisition of new land by the hegemonic capital. In this sense, it is in this article make some considerations about the process of socioterritorialização traditional experienced by the peop1e of Northern Minas, as place of life, belonging and identity. The methodology is based on reference theoretical, empirical observation, supported the Cultural Geography.
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