Entre vivências e tradições na Barra do Pacuí: o cotidiano e a construção do saber local em uma comunidade rural ribeirinha do Norte de Minas
Traditional communities. Territoriality. Social organization. Culture.Abstract
This article takes as analysis of lócus the black rural community of Barra de Pacuí which is located in the municipal district of Ibiaí-MG, located in the space known as sertão nortemineiro and it aims understanding the process territoriality in its wrapping, the local knowledge instituted by the work’s practices and the cultural landscape reflected in the organization of spaces and manifestation of the life in the community. This territoriality is also characterized as rural traditional community, because it presents in its interfaces a symbiosis relationship between the local population and the environment in that are inserted. It is organized socially through the relationship, camaraderie, friendships and neighborhoods, facilitating to the people their organization while collectivity for obtaining social, cultural and material reproduction. In the community exists, rituals which have been practiced by the inhabitants, they strengthen the entails of belonging of that riverine traditional community.
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