Urban Agriculture: identity functions, knowledge transmission and culture


  • Gabriel Alves Veloso Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES
  • Igor Martins de Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES
  • Marina de Fátima Brandão Carneiro Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES


Urban Agriculture. Relation Rural/Urban. Identity. Knowledge and Culture.


This article presents as theme Urban Agriculture: identity functions, knowledge transmission and culture. It has as general goal to analize the role that Urban Agriculture plays next to the involved population, perpetuating the popular culture and family groups culture, the definition and preservation of identities and the transmission of knowledge, overall the nomads from the country to the cities and their descendants who practice this activity on urban areas. Through a bibliographic analysis, from books, from magazines’ articles and electronic documents and essays of some authors who had approched this theme it is perceived that Urban Agriculture, many times, presents itself as an alternative to improve the life conditions, health, wage complement and income to those who practice it, besides being used as leisure, as a way to preserve the roots, the identity and neigborhood bonds, and cooperation between the several family groups or even personal. In this way, from generation to generation, Urban Agriculture shows itself with great importance as a factor of transmission of knowledge and culture, presenting to those that practice it the possibility to feel useful and active where they live and relate.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Alves Veloso, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES

Acadêmico do 5º Período, Noturno, do Curso de Geografia, CCH, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - Unimontes.

Igor Martins de Oliveira, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES

Acadêmico do 4º Período, Matutino, do Curso de Geografia, CCH, Universidade Estadual de
Montes Claros - Unimontes.

Marina de Fátima Brandão Carneiro, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES

Professora Pesquisadora do Departamento de Geociências, CCH, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - Unimontes.


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How to Cite

VELOSO, Gabriel Alves; OLIVEIRA, Igor Martins de; CARNEIRO, Marina de Fátima Brandão. Urban Agriculture: identity functions, knowledge transmission and culture. Revista Cerrados, [s. l.], vol. 7, no. 01, p. 11–22, 2009. Disponível em: https://www.periodicos.unimontes.br/index.php/cerrados/article/view/2946. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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